Grant Applications

Application Deadline: March 15, 2025


The Athletic Club Foundation initiates and organizes events for the community (including the St Patrick’s Day Parade, Shamrock Run Walk, Greening of the Canal, and the Old Oaken Bucket Luncheon) which are allocated to worthwhile entities that support amateur sports.

The Athletic Club Foundation was founded in 1983 and thanks you for your taking the time to fill out this application and for all you do for the community.


  • The Foundation will make Allocation decisions once per year. Allocation Applications are accepted year-round.
  • The Foundation will make decisions based upon information it can research or direct experience of the applicant, the information on the application, and any letters sent in support of an application.
  • Please fill out this application as completely as possible. A brochure, plan, or program may be attached.
  • Allocation decisions of the Foundation are final.
  • Funding decisions will be made by approx. May 15 & distributed thereafter.
  • Anyone receiving an allocation agrees that the Foundation may publicize the allocation in print or web media.
  • Foundation reserves the right to review the performance of the funded program of an Applicant within a year of the funds being distributed to the Applicant.
  • Foundation may request additional information to assist the allocation decision.